Friday, May 24, 2013


sometimes I crash into you, headfirst

pieces of you appear

a never ending desire, a thirst

stealing away my cheer

a streak of emotion

a shadow in the corner of my thoughts

a whirlwind of precaution

a trail of painful "connect the dots"

frequently caught in an unsuspecting place

like wrapped in another's embrace

or daydreaming off into space

music can almost always conjure your face

this heavy wall of memories

surrounding, suffocating, taunting

never knew that loving you 

could be so haunting

the shame of admitting

that after all this time

you are still capable

of wreaking havoc on my mind


Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I write,

just to pour out how I feel

no one is forced to listen

emotions I need to spill

I can spend sweet moments

lingering over precious thoughts

or endure the sting of painful atonements

as they flood from the crevices in which they were caught

I can mix myself any concoction

3 parts elation, 1 part pain

not sure of my destination

just trying to relieve my brain

I can alter all the endings

stir in a little more appeal

torturing myself with dreams

that will never become real

I could smile a pretty smile

and cover my pain with lies

but here I can express what you would find

if you cared enough to look deep into my eyes

now I don't want to confuse you

with deep emotional zeal

for the joy that I share

is quite true, and quite real

but pain still haunts my skin

and hurt still clouds my mind

can't keep it all within

so in writing, release I find

-Sara Katelyn